Armenian Crypto School

Have you ever wondered what is “crypto” and why so many people are talking about it? Some say it is the future of money with which transactions will be conducted. Others think it is merely fool’s gold and holds no intrinsic value. Nobody knows for sure, yet. However, we believe it is important to at least have an understanding of what it is and how it works. If crypto does revolutionize the way the world conducts business in the future, we want you to be prepared for it.

Armenian Crypto School has put together a comprehensive educational program with lessons detailing where crypto came from, what you can do with crypto, how to keep your crypto safe, and much more. Below is the first lesson in the curriculum. We encourage our community to watch it.

What Is Cryptocurrency? Lesson 1

If you would like to learn about crypto currency in depth, you can watch the full crypto curriculum here:
English language version | Armenian language version

For even more information about the crypto space, check out Armenian Crypto School on YouTube:

Armenian Crypto School (English language version)
Haykakan Crypto Dprots (Armenian language version)