Armenian Prayers

Armenian words in English letters

The Lord’s Prayer
Hayr Mer, vor hergines yes,
soorp yeghitsi anoon ko.
Yegestse arkayootyoon ko.
Yeghitsin gamk ko
vorbes hergines yev hergri.
Ez-hats mer hanabazort
dour mez aysor.
Yev togh mez ezbardis mer,
vorbes yev mek toghoomk merots bardabanats.
Yev mee danir ezmez ee portsootyoon,
ayl pergya ee charen.
Zee ko eh arkayootyoon
yev zorootyoon
yev park havidyanes.

Prayer for Wisdom
Eemasdootyoon Hor Hisoos,
Door eents eemasdootyoon,
Ezparis khorhel yev khosel yev kordzel
Arachi ko hamenayn jam.
Ee char khorhertots, ee panits
Yev ee kordzots pergya zees.
Yev voghormya ko araradzots yev eents pazmameghis.

Before Travelling/Sleeping
Bahaban amenayni Krisdos
Ach ko hovani litsi ee vera eem
Ee deve yev ee kisheri,
Ee nesdil ee dan,
Ee ken ee janabarh
Ee nenchel yev ee harnel,
Zee mee yerpek sasanetsayts.
Yev voghormya ko araradzots
Yev eents pazmameghis.

Prayer of Thanksgiving
Kohootyun yev park Kezee meeshd dank
Too vor tashdee dzagheegeen
Yev yergeenkee trchooneen
Snoont goodas adeneen.
Shnorhnert, ov Hayr,
Geh vayelenk har,
Asdvadz parerar,
Park kez antatar.

Prayer Before Meals
Hayr mer… Jashagestsook khaghaghootyamp ezgeragoores,
vor badrasdyal eh mez ee Dyarneh.
Orhnyal eh Der ee barkeves yoor.

Thanksgiving After Meals
Park Geragroghin di-yezerats,
vor ezmez gerageryats yev liatsooyts.
Nma park havidyanes.

Translated to English words

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the Kingdom
and the power
and the glory forever.

Prayer for Wisdom
O Jesus, wisdom of the Father,
Grant me wisdom, That I may,
at all times, think, speak and do
before Thee that which is good in Thy sight.
And save me from evil thoughts, words and deeds.
Have mercy upon Thy creatures,
and upon me, great sinner that I am.

Before Travelling/Sleeping
O Christ, Guardian of all Creatures,
Let Thy right hand
be a shadow over me day and night,
Tarrying at home and travelling,
Sleeping and rising,
That I may never fail.
Have mercy upon Thy creatures,
And upon me great sinner that I am.

Prayer of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving and glory
We will give You always.
You give nourishment
To the flowers of the valley,
And to the birds in the sky.
We always enjoy Your Graces,
Dear Father, Beneficient God.
Glory to You, forever.

Prayer Before Meals
Our Father… In peace let us eat this food
which the Lord has provided for us.
Blessed be the Lord in His gifts.

Thanksgiving After Meals
Let us give thanks and glory
to the nourisher of the universe
who didst nourish and fill us.
To him be glory forever.

Remembering Our Ancestors: Maps and Genealogy Resources for Armenian-Americans | The New York Public Library

As an Armenian-American keenly aware of the devotion to lost homeland of my ethnic compatriots, I’ve always been on the lookout for Armenians among the researchers from many large ethnic groups who have found their way to the Map Division. April 24 is the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Armenian Genocide, and one way to honor those who were not able to find refuge is to learn all we can about them and celebrate our link to them.

Petition for Naturalization of Arshile Gorky, indicating his place of birth, courtesy of U.S. National Archives, via Ancestry Library Edition

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Source: Remembering Our Ancestors: Maps and Genealogy Resources for Armenian-Americans | The New York Public Library