Is the beauty of art subjective? There are countless opinions when it comes to this topic. But, whatever the popular consensus to this question, we think that there is one man whose art transcends conventional wisdom when it comes to beauty.
His name, Emil Kazaz.
Unlike any artwork we have ever seen, Emil’s subjects are robustly striking, universally (and simultaneously) appealing and appalling, and unabashedly grotesque. And we wouldn’t want it any other way. His vision of the world is vastly unique, uncompromising, and incomparable. He is an original, a master. So much so, we speak his name in the same breath as Van Gogh, Picasso, and Michelangelo.
His recent exhibit in Los Angeles reaffirmed our feelings about the man and his work. A
few dozen frighteningly charming sculptures and painfully elaborate paintings consumed the minds of the hordes in attendance. The entire gallery was abuzz with electricity, as if we were all knowingly in the presence of eternal greatness, experiencing a special feeling for art that will be, indubitably, even more celebrated and appreciated by generations to come.
Although pictures cannot do justice for his work, we have an exclusive short video of his Los Angeles exhibit we would like to share with you. We hope that this video gives you a glimpse of this man’s brilliance.