Is Azerbaijan About to Invade Armenia?

Armenia, one of the oldest countries in the world, is facing an existential threat. Watch this informative video from TLDR News Global about the potential conflict.

Kevork Almassian, political commentator and founder of Syriana Analysis, shares his thoughts about the impending plight of Armenia in the video below.

An American Muslim Responds to Muslim Orgs Questioning Armenian Genocide | Religion Dispatches

Yesterday I read an astonishing and upsetting press release. The U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations(USCMO) released what I cannot in good conscience call anything but a cowardly prevarication in the face of moral tragedy. It is not only a forfeiture of what we, as Muslims, are called to stand up for truth…

Click link below to read full article…

Source: An American Muslim Responds to Muslim Orgs Questioning Armenian Genocide | Religion Dispatches

Directors Slam Russell Crowe’s ‘Water Diviner’ Over Armenian Genocide Denial

Garin Hovannisian and Alec Mouhibian, co-directors of “1915 The Movie,” below present an open letter to Warner Bros., regarding the film “The Water Diviner.” On the April 24, 2015, the authors will mark the anniversary of the 1915 Armenian genocide along with tens of thousands of Armenians in a march from Hollywood Blvd. to the Turkish consulate to protest the country’s ongoing denial of the tragedy. Similar events will be held in New York and other major cities across the globe. The filmmakers will then travel to Armenia to screen “1915” for the Armenian government and their Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee.

Dear Warner Bros:

On April 24, 2015, your studio is set to release Russell Crowe‘s directorial debut “The Water Diviner” — a historical drama about an Australian father who travels to Gallipoli, Turkey, in search of his dead sons, who were among the Australian troops that landed there in 1915. He discovers, among other things, that the Turks were never really his enemies. In fact they were the noble victims who ultimately triumphed against the imperial West in World War I.

The problem is that April 24, 2015, also happens to be the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, which was perpetrated by the very Turkish government whitewashed by “The Water Diviner.” It was on April 24, 1915 — the night before the Gallipoli landing — that the Young Turk regime set into motion its unprecedented plan: the efficient deportation and slaughter of 1.5 million Armenians and the destruction of their homeland of thousands of years.

Read complete letter here: