Armenian Genocide Centennial March for Justice

The 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide signifies a global demand for justice by Armenians worldwide and all people of good will. The March for Justice on April 24, 2015 is the largest in the series of AGCC-WUSA hosted events. Participants will gather at 10AM in Little Armenia and will march in solidarity for 6 miles to the Turkish Consulate in the Wilshire District to protest the Turkish government’s continued denial of the Armenian Genocide.

This Pan-Armenian March will unite, without exception, the Armenian community in its quest for justice while demonstrating collective strength and spirit. Protesters will thank those who have helped to spread awareness of the Armenian Genocide, and those who work tirelessly to prevent genocide elsewhere in the world.

View March Route starting in Little Armenia

The Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee Western USA (AGCCWUSA) was established to steer and coordinate commemorative activities in the Western United States.

March Route, Directions, Parking


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